Let's play a fun quiz game about triangles 👇

Quiz on Triangles

You will get 1 point for each correct answer

  1. What is the third angle for the triangle where angle1 = 65° and angle2 = 80° ?

  2. A triangle has angle1 = 25°, angle2 = 45° and angle3 = 110°. What type of triangle is it ?

  3. A triangle that has 2 equal sides is known as

  4. Area of a triangle with base 'b' and height 'h' is represented by

  5. A triangle has angle1 = 50°, angle2 = 60° and angle3 = 70°. What type of triangle is it ?

  6. If a triangle has an angle of 90 degrees, what is it called ?

  7. How many obtuse angles can a triangle have at maximum ?

  8. The area of a triangle with base 25 cm and height 55 cm is